Les Formes et les Couleurs
This is a stop motion project done by Felix Lauer and myself for a computer animation class. It has elements of slapstick, the movement is a bit faster than usual and piano sound is used to support the action. It features 927 frames shot with a Canon EOS 450d and the single shots were post-processed and combined to a video clip in Blender. Read the blog post!
Behind the scenes

Eat It
Watch the result of another animation project! After finishing Les Formes et les Couleurs we were told to create an animation with Blender. The film is styled to look like it was drawn by hand, 2D and 3D elements are mixed. A large sphere and an even bigger circle symbolize the Earth and its atmosphere. The “food” as well as the caterpillar are placed on the sphere’s surface. An orthographic camera follows the caterpillar’s path, constantly zooming out and thus revealing more and more of the Earth’s curvature. We used Blender’s builtin renderer with freestyle to achieve the handdrawn look.
I made this animation using Blender entirely. It was done for the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin in 2012.
I made this animation using Blender entirely. It was done while I served an one-month-internship at the PTB (Physikalisch-Technische-Bundesanstalt) in Berlin back in 2009.